Murgia's Illustrations

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Daniela Iride Murgia is a visual artist with a degree in Oriental Art €and a Master in Illustration.

She lives between Italy and Denmark
She stood out for prizes and awards such as:

- Selected at ILUSTRARTE 2012, Lisbona.
- Finalist at V Compostela International Prize for Picture Books, Spain.
- Prize for the best picture-book A la Orilla del Viento 2012, Fondo De Cultura Económica, Mexico.
- Prize Caniem, National Chamber of the Mexican Editorial Industry 2013.
- Selected at ILUSTRARTE 2014, Lisbona.
-Finalist at the Prize Andersen 2015, Italy.
-Premio Rodari 2017, Italy.
-Special mention, XX Edition "A book for the environment", Legambiente.
-“Premium label" awarded by the experts of the Internationale Jugendbibliothek, with the book Marcel; inserted in the prestigious The White Ravens 2018 catalog.

-Award Communication Arts 2019 Ilustration Annual (USA)


She has collaborated with magazines and publishing houses such as: Il Sole 24 Ore, Telecom, l'Espresso, Vogue, FCE/Mexico, Edizioni Corsare/Italia, DADA, Artebambini/Italia, Editions Notari/Switzerland,Topipittori/Italia, Zanichelli, Carthusia, Kokkini Klosti Books and many others.
She has worked in contemporary art for years in the context of the Venice Biennale.
The objects and illustrations created by her combine a range of media, with a particular predilection for ink drawings, watercolor, embroidery on paper, canvass and fabric, and paper cutting. She works also in digital.